It was so nice to have a simple holiday-tied release, made by one developer and in a way harkening back to the PS2 bargain bin but still being of really high quality! It's simple-sweet gameplay makes it a go-to for sharing with my kids (if I ever have any) in October Maybe even more so than the Costume Quest games. Replying to AwesomeNick94 I was shocked by how much I enjoyed Pumpkin Jack, I'm really glad to see it make its way onto your blog. Run for your life! The level design is very comforting and feels like a 6th Generation Console 3D Platformer. Here is Jack at a cauldron which end up being checkpoints to get your health back. The game has a kind of darkly colorful look to it. Oh, and here are some photos of what the game is like in action: I'm really into this right now and I'm glad I picked it up on sale. It's really good so far! Not much to say but I did end up beating the first boss which was the Scarecrow so I'm going to be playing more of it this week. I know this isn't a One X/Series X enhanced game but even then I would have liked to have seen an option to boost it up to 60 FPS but I might as well get used to it. The game runs at 30 FPS and it feels slow. The only thing I do wish is that there was a performance option. The graphics are a mix of colorful and dark if that makes any sense and the platforming is very nice so far. Combat consists of attacking enemies then dodging their attacks and it does get chaotic when there is like 7 or so enemies especially if they're small and you're trying to get the rhythm of combat right so there is a good amount of challenge. Jack is cocky and will spout insults and what not so he is great and the Crow is really scared of everything but hell it's a lot of fun with these two. Mostly it has to do with Jack and the Crow I just love the juxtaposition these guys have to one another.

The characters so far I'm absolutely loving. Most of the game is said through text and the dialogue is REALLY funny. There is not really any voice acting other than the grunts the characters make when talking to one another. But you know what? Pumpkin Jack is a really great game so far. It's a very basic game in terms of combat so far and it does seem to go for the "Rule Of Three" boss fights which at this point is normal for platforming action games. Jack, the Devil, The Wizard, an Owl who acts as a tutorial and a cowardly crow who helps Jack in his missions. There are only really five characters so far. For those wondering, this is a game about Stingy Jack, who is offered a chance by the devil to go to the afterlife if he stops a Wizard in this kingdom from putting an end to the devil's trickery. Since I'm really fond of that type of stuff, I decided to try out this game and so far, Pumpkin Jack has been nothing but pleasant, charming and a real treat. I've heard it's basically a 3D Platformer in the vein of the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox Era of platforming games. So, this is a game I've heard LOTS of good things about. So, I ended up picking up something new and I'm really into it. Hello everyone! So the original plan for this week was to start Super Mario Bros 2 on the All Stars collection but after I got to the end of World 3 I was so fed up with the entire game that I scrapped the idea entirely.